Sustainable development as defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development is the ″development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs″. (1)
Sustainable development calls for a future in which environmental, social and economic considerations are balanced in the pursuit of development and improved quality of life. Development and protection of the environment should be linked in order to protect ecosystems and manage natural resources, which are essential for fulfilling basic human needs and improving living standard for all, without increasing their use beyond the earth's carrying capacity. Thus, the efforts to build a truly sustainable way of life require the integration of action in three key areas. (2)
Conserving Natural Resources and the Environment: To conserve our environmental heritage and natural resources for future generations, economically viable solutions must be developed to reduce resource consumption, stop pollution and conserve natural habitats.
Social Development: throughout the world, people require jobs, food, education, energy, health care, water and sanitation. While addressing these needs, the world community must also ensure that the rich fabric of cultural and social diversity, and the rights of workers, are respected, and that all members of society are empowered to play a role in determining their futures.
Key Principles of Sustainability?
There is no one set of principles of sustainable development. The following six principles are based on the research done by those who contributed to the manual entitled "Our Community Our Future" and on their experience of what is most applicable to local councils: (3)
(1) World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our Common Future. Oxford University Press Oxford.
(2) United Nations. (2001). Johannesburg Summit Brochure: World Summit on Sustainable Development 26 August – 4 September 2002. Retrieved Feb. 1, 2006, from Johannesburg Summit 2002 Website: Click here to access the website
(3) Cotter, B. and Hannan, K. (Environs Australia) (1999). Our Community Our Future: A Guide to Local Agenda 21. Commonwealth of Australia. Canberra.