NOTICE - The information on this site does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

  Latest News  

Organizing Community Forums

Organizing a Meeting to Discuss the Various Aspects Related to Establishing an Industrial Zone in the Bethlehem Governorate

The Visit of the External Monitor to the Project

Transferring the ArcGIS ArcView 9.2 Software to Local Councils

Transferring the Personal Computers and the Developed GIS based Information Systems to Local Councils

Organizing a Focus Group Meeting in Cooperation with Bethlehem Municipality

Organizing Community Awareness Campaigns

The On-job Training for Selected Employees from the Targeted Local Authorities Started on 30 October 2006

Holding the Kick-off Meeting for the On-job Training on GIS Techniques, Database Management and Environmental Monitoring

Conducting Preparatory Meetings with the Community-Based Organizations during September 2006

Organizing the First Half-Yearly Project Meeting Gathering the Project Team with the Steering Committee Members

Project Activities

The project activities have been broken down into six Tasks (T), five of which are technical and one (T6) is for the management and reporting to the European Commission. Figure2 visualizes the project structure and the interconnections among the tasks.

Figure 2 : Project Structure.The project builds upon securing and maintaining support of local and national authorities (bottom) that will be involved with the project team in securing representative participation of the communities members in the community visioning process. In parallel, data will be collected and harmonized to profile the communities as they exist. Hard data ensuing from the community profiles and soft data ensuing from the community visioning process will be synthesized to develop local sustainability action strategies that outline the sustainability goals, targets and actions which are practical and socially acceptable.

Building Blocks

T1: Securing and Maintaining Top Level Support
T2: Establishing an Effective Participatory Process
T3: Creating Baseline Community Profiles
T4: Developing Local Sustainability Action Strategies
T5: Dissemination


Last Update: 04/05/2006
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