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Organizing Community Forums

Organizing a Meeting to Discuss the Various Aspects Related to Establishing an Industrial Zone in the Bethlehem Governorate

The Visit of the External Monitor to the Project

Transferring the ArcGIS ArcView 9.2 Software to Local Councils

Transferring the Personal Computers and the Developed GIS based Information Systems to Local Councils

Organizing a Focus Group Meeting in Cooperation with Bethlehem Municipality

Organizing Community Awareness Campaigns

The On-job Training for Selected Employees from the Targeted Local Authorities Started on 30 October 2006

Holding the Kick-off Meeting for the On-job Training on GIS Techniques, Database Management and Environmental Monitoring

Conducting Preparatory Meetings with the Community-Based Organizations during September 2006

Organizing the First Half-Yearly Project Meeting Gathering the Project Team with the Steering Committee Members

Project Activities
T4: Developing Local Sustainability Action Strategies

Start Date: 01/12/2007
End Date: 01/09/2008

Actions Involved:

Community visioning is the process through which people with a diverse set of backgrounds and interests will be brought together in community forums to formulate a shared vision for more sustainable communities and translate such shared vision into concrete actions by developing sustainability goals and targets. With the outcomes of the community visioning process and the knowledge generated through the baseline profiling of the communities, local authorities will have the building blocks for developing their own local sustainability action strategies or Local Agendas 21. Such participatory approach involves carrying out the following:

T4.1 Publicizing the Community Visioning Process

  1. Organizing TV interviews to announce the findings of the baseline communities profiling and motivate the public to participate in the community visioning process. 
  2. Creating  posters and flyers for the process to encourage the citizens to register for participation.
  3. Sending out press releases to local newspapers, radio and TV stations to announce the date, place and duration of the community forums that will be convened in each targeted community.

4.2 Conducting Community Forums

  1. Conducting community forums in each targeted community. The forums will be divided into four sessions held over four days:

    • In the first session, the participants will express their perceptions and wishes for the future of their community with respect to its sustainability, their wellbeing and the wellbeing of the ecosystem and express them in a general shared vision statement and goals.  
    • The second session will focus on establishing key area task forces of participants with backgrounds and interests relevant to each key area.
    • The third session will be in the form of task force meetings where the members of each key area task force will jointly set sustainability targets based on the extent to which the local authority is committed to achieve the key area vision statement or goal within a desired time period and develop a list of proposed actions that will achieve the sustainability goals and targets.
    • The forth session will focus on assembling all task forces in order to be appraised of the group's work and prioritize the actions identified by each key area task force based on a set of criteria that will be developed by the steering committee and the project team. 

 T4.3 Integrating all the Sustainability Action Strategies Components

  1. Synthesizing all knowledge generated through all the project's tasks including the outcomes of the community visioning process; the targets and actions with the actions detailed description ; and the detailed mechanisms for implementing the actions proposed by the task forces. 
  2. Submitting the first draft of Local Agendas 21 for review by the project steering committee.
  3. Integrating the recommendations of the project steering committte.


Last Update: 04/05/2006
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