ARIJ is a Palestinian non-governmental organization founded in 1990 and dedicated to promoting sustainable development in the Palestinian Territory. Further details regarding the projects and activities implemented by ARIJ can be found at the institute's website: www.arij.org |
CRIC is an Italian non-governmental organization founded in 1983. It is working in the development field in Africa, Latin America, Middle East, the Mediterranean area, the Balkans and Southern Italy. Further details about CRIC and its activities can be found at the institute's website: www.cric.it |
Who is Funding the Project?
The project is funded by:
The European Commission, LIFE-Third
Countries Programme. This
programme is one of the three
thematic components of LIFE (The
Financial Instrument for the Environment), which
is one of the spearheads of the European
Community environment policy. Further details
regarding the objectives of the LIFE-Third
Countries programme can be found at the
European Commission website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/life/home.htm |
The Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation (SDC). The SDC is Switzerlands international
cooperation agency within the Swiss
Foreign Ministry. Further details about the SDC can
be found at the agencys website: www.sdc.admin.ch |