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Organizing Community Forums

Organizing a Meeting to Discuss the Various Aspects Related to Establishing an Industrial Zone in the Bethlehem Governorate

The Visit of the External Monitor to the Project

Transferring the ArcGIS ArcView 9.2 Software to Local Councils

Transferring the Personal Computers and the Developed GIS based Information Systems to Local Councils

Organizing a Focus Group Meeting in Cooperation with Bethlehem Municipality

Organizing Community Awareness Campaigns

The On-job Training for Selected Employees from the Targeted Local Authorities Started on 30 October 2006

Holding the Kick-off Meeting for the On-job Training on GIS Techniques, Database Management and Environmental Monitoring

Conducting Preparatory Meetings with the Community-Based Organizations during September 2006

Organizing the First Half-Yearly Project Meeting Gathering the Project Team with the Steering Committee Members

What are the Actions and Means Involved?
  1. Developing decision makers' capacities in sustainable development and the process of localizing Agenda 21 through thematic group meetings with local experts.
  2. Issuing a declaration of the sustainability planning effort and seeking the support of the MoP, MoLG, DJCspd, PEQA, MoH, MoA, PWA, BG and the PCBS to endorse the declaration and mandate the involvement of the selected councils in the project. 
  3. Electing a steering committee from members of the involved authorities to oversee the implementation process.  
  4. Publicizing the sustainability initiative and its outcomes at the various stages by means of press releases in local media, conducting meetings with local organizations and decision makers, preparing flyers and establishing a project website.
  5. Organizing community awareness campaigns in the form of information and awareness sessions targeting the communities' members. 
  6. Electing citizens' committees from members of the various communities sectors.
  7. Data collection through review of available databases and publications and through conducting semi structured interviews with local authorities and organizations.
  8. Establishing a GIS based information system composed of environmental and socioeconomic databases. 
  9. Transferring the GIS based information system and the computers to the targeted councils and training selected personnel on GIS techniques, database mangement and on environmental monitoring.
  10. Profiling the communities using the pressure, state, current practice framework.
  11. Conducting community forums to bring people together to participate in the visioning process in order to develop shared visions for more sustainable communities and formulate sustainability goals, and actions through brainstorming and establishing key area task forces. 
  12. Developing a detailed description for each of the identified actions. 
  13. Integrating the outcomes of the visioning process, the actions' description and the findings of the community profiles to develop local sustainability action strategies.
  14. Organizing a national workshop with participation of local authorities, ministries, non-governmental organizations, international funding agencies and the established key area task forces to disseminate the findings, transfer the gained experience to others and identify funding sources.
Last Update: 04/05/2006
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